
"And those whom he predestined he also called; and those whom he called he also justified; and those whom he justified he also glorified" (Rom: 8:30). Our Vocation is a call of the Spirit to follow closely the prayerful and austere life of the Holy Family. It is up to us to grasp the meaning of this call and respond to it. Therefore, our religious formation should be Christ-centered, ecclesiastical and according to the charism of our Congregation. This formation should enable us to experience the personality of Jesus in depth.

Different Stages of Formation


During this initial, one year of formation, emphasis is given for the fostering of the human virtues. At this period, formators and candidates assess the genuineness of their intention in accepting the religious life. This is the time to discern the motivation of the candidates and to develop their spiritual, intellectual and artistic talents.


Postulancy is the period of immediate preparation to enter the Novitiate. This period is to learn about the nature of community life, its responsibilities, spirit and Christian doctrines, besides reaching maturity in taking decisions. The period of postulancy is one year.


Novitiate is the initial stage of religious life and the most important period of religious formation. The novices form and shape their hearts and minds according to the spirit of the Congregation. Novices acquire a deep knowledge of the duties of religious life, the spirit of the Congregation, the liturgy and the Scriptures. 
The period of novitiate is two years. During this period the first year is canonical. In this period the novices clearly understand that religious life is a challenge and in order to carry out the apostolic mission, one has to follow the path of sacrifice. At the end of novitiate, the novices make their temporary profession of the vows of chastity, poverty and obedience.


Juniorate is the period between the temporary profession and the perpetual profession. This period is, self - preparation for the temporarily professed sisters for their perpetual profession and understanding in depth the meaning of their consecration through practical experiences and acquiring maturity. Spiritual and religious training continues during this period. The necessary theoretical and practical knowledge in the various apostolic activities of the Congregation is acquired.