About Us

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The Congregation of the Nazareth Sisters is a religious community for women. It was founded in 1975 by Mar Sebastian Valloppilly, the first Bishop of Tellicherry, Kerala. The members have been called to share God’s redemptive love with all the children of God, following the ideals of the Holy Family.


Personalising and sharing the attitude and lifestyle of the Holy Family at Nazareth.


"He regarded the lowliness of His Handmaid" (Lk 1:48)

Aim and spirit

The aim of the Congregation is to serve humankind irrespective of caste and creed through moral, educational, cultural and other good deeds of charity.
It is our responsibility for forming a community united in Jesus by sharing the spirit of the Holy Family with individuals and families through prayer, work, sacrifice and service inspired by the love of God.

Heavenly Patrons

Jesus, obedient to His parents in the Holy Family of Nazareth who led a prayerful, plain, unknown and austere life, always involved in the affairs of His Father Joseph, His Mother Mary-the most blessed among women. Mary thanked the Lord Almighty for the choicest graces showered upon her and lived in accordance with the will of God and St. Joseph, who sacrificed everything and toiled silently to look after the Holy Family, are the specific paragons of our Congregation.