
Nazareth Sisters

The Congregation of the Nazareth Sisters is a religious community for women. It was founded in 1975 by Mar Sebastian Valloppilly, the first Bishop of the diocese of Tellicherry, Kerala. The members have been called to share God's redemptive love with all the children of God, following the ideals of the Holy Family.“Then He went down with them and came to Nazareth, and was obedient to them” (LK:2/51). In accordance with God's divine plan, the Congregation of the Nazareth Sisters was established, a testament to God's boundless love and mercy. We are not just a community, but a family, called to share God's redemptive love with others. We strive to emulate the Holy Family, whose members are united in fulfilling the will of God in every aspect of their lives.


Personalizing and sharing the attitude and lifestyle of the Holy Family of Nazareth.


"He regarded the lowliness of His Handmaid" (LK 1:48)
Aim and Spirit

The Congregation aims to serve humankind irrespective of caste and creed through moral, educational, cultural and other deeds of charity. We are responsible to form a community united in Jesus by sharing the Spirit of the Holy Family with individuals and families through prayer, service and sacrifice inspired by the love of God.

Heavenly Patrons

Jesus, obedient to his parents in the Holy Family of Nazareth, who led a prayerful, unknown and austere life was always busy with His heavenly Father's affairs. Mother Mary- the most blessed among women who thanked the Lord Almighty for the graces showered upon her and who lived the Word, and St.Joseph, who sacrificed everything and worked silently to look after the Holy Family, are the specific models of our Congregation. They Holy Family, the nursery of divine and Christian virtues, was filled with the presence of God. The members of the Holy Family were always obedient to the Will of God. This made them God's beloved. The members of the Congregation of Nazareth Sisters share  the redemptive mission of Jesus by totally surrendering ourselves to the will of God in all life situations. Though the members of the Holy Family were insignificant in the eyes of the world, In the eyes of the Lord, they were the noblest and most precious. Following the life style of the Holy Family, we are ever ready to live in adverse situations, trusting in the security of divine providence. We experience the joy of privations in the abundance of God's graces. We become powerful and rich in the awareness of the presence of God and find joy in giving Jesus to the world. A sense of lowliness and brilliant human qualities should adorn our unique personality.